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High Conversions: Non-profit Success

November 1, 2023

High Conversions: Non-profit Success

STAUFFER knows getting lost in a swamp of creative options is easy. With an emerging boon of AI-generated content in chatbots and image generators, your team may think it’s worth posting or adding cluttering features to your site just to say, “We have it.” 

But, non-profits or institutions need their content to function with a laser-focused purpose. The name of the game is not “Do we have it?” The question is, “Is this converting?” 

Conversion rates are the percentage of visitors to your site that take the desired action you intend for them to take. As in for-profit business, these are the core KPIs that non-profits and institutions must focus on. Focusing the design and online content of clients’ online experiences towards supercharging their conversion rates is one of the skills that made STAUFFER one of Inc. 5000’s “Fastest Rising Companies of 2023.” 

STAUFFER’S online experiences for institutions Claremont McKenna College and non-profits like The California Science Center demonstrate how high conversions translate into more donations, volunteers, and increased awareness about your cause or institution. 

Here are a few examples of how STAUFFER finds ways to maximize clients’ content to focus on increasing conversions by designing intention to every detail:

Understand Your Target Audience

The first step to higher conversions is doing your research. Understanding your audience goes beyond knowing who your audience is and how your audience thinks, feels, and buys. By doing audience research via surveys, focus groups, and social media analytics, you can create a “buyer persona.” These personas are fictional representations of an idealized target customer based on research data and surveyed insights from genuine customers. Buyer personas go beyond mere demographics and consider information such as behaviors, motivations, goals, preferences, and challenges. 

This invaluable research helps creative agencies like STAUFFER better understand and empathize with their client’s target audience and gives them the information necessary to tailor marketing strategies and messages that resonate with their clients’ intended customers. 

For more on STAUFFER’S best practices for team brainstorming, check out our article: The Simple & Initial – Discovery & Brainstorming Exercises That Feed Into Transformative Solutions.

Create Clear and Compelling Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

Strong CTAs are crucial to driving conversions. Hiring a talented copywriter to write compelling call-to-actions that resonate with your audience is a prudent investment toward stirring them to action. Using short bursts of active language is a persuasive tactic to increase conversion rates. Active language uses verbs and direct statements that convey equal parts action and energy while fostering a sense of urgency for viewers to act immediately.

Streamlined and User-Friendly Website Design

A well-designed website significantly enhances conversion rates. STAUFFER has built its reputation by making websites that are visually appealing, easy to navigate, and have a seamless user experience. For non-profits and institutions, accessibility should also be a core component of their website design, ensuring their content is accessible to all users.

Optimizing Landing Pages

Landing pages are created to be robust gateways to conversions. Creating well-structured landing pages with direct messaging, captivating CTAs, and visual appeal has significantly increased conversions. Often, STAUFFER A/B tests different versions of a client’s landing page to help identify what works best for their audience.

Utilizing Social Proof

Social proof, through testimonials, case studies, and reviews, significantly boosts your credibility and conversions. By showcasing our client’s success stories and endorsements from influential figures, STAUFFER creates trust with our target audiences and encourages them to support their cause or institution.

Leveraging Content Marketing

Content marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant content to attract and convert audiences. For non-profits and institutions, this could include blogs (like the one you are reading now), informative whitepapers, or engaging videos that stir emotions and prompt action.

Enhancing conversions is a dynamic process. It requires a constant finger on the pulse of how your audience interacts with your content and a continuous optimization of the messaging and design of your website and landing pages. All of these strategies stated above are fundamental in maximizing the impact of your targeted messaging, but finding out which techniques work the best requires experience and tinkering. As non-profits and institutions, embracing these strategies will transform your digital engagement and help you achieve your organizational goals.

Looking to elevate your brand further? Book a Zoom consultation with STAUFFER today and unleash your organization’s potential.